Terms of reference


  • By invitation
  • One practitioner from sport National Governing Bodies, player associations, trade bodies and associations, betting operators and law enforcement (with other public agencies invited to - attend meetings as and when appropriate).
  • The Gambling Commission will be represented by one or more representatives as appropriate.
  • Representation from other organisations will also be invited to attend meetings as and when relevant to the agenda

Purpose of the Forum

The purpose of the Forum is to support and coordinate partners’ individual and collective efforts in developing and delivering Britain’s Action Plan for enhancing integrity in sport and sports betting. It will keep pace with the increasing complexities, such as international influences, focusing on prevention, disruption and deterrents by:

  • Supporting and developing achievements at an organisational and national level to achieve the purpose of the plan.
  • Debating issues in a confidential environment and identifying potential solutions
  • Progressing issues of common concern through sub groups reporting to the Forum.
  • Having accountability for the delivery of the actions as set out in the Sports and Sports Betting Integrity Action Plan and its future development
  • Publicise achievements, updates and progress reports in line with the SBIF Communications strategy.


The Forum will comprise senior representatives of the key partners and with joint chairs (one betting operators representative and one sports representative) as nominated by members.

Co-Chairs will be in post for a maximum of two years, scheduled as follows:

  • Sports Co-Chair appointed January 2023
  • New Sports Co-Chair to be appointed January 2025
  • Betting Industry Co-Chair appointed December 2023
  • New Betting Industry Co-Chair to be appointed December 2025

Full Forum meetings will be held 4 times a year, with meeting dates agreed in advance each January for the year ahead.

Sub-groups will take responsibility for specific actions or projects as commissioned by the SBIF Chair(s). Each sub-group will be appointed a lead who will have accountability for delivery of actions and reporting progress to the SBIF chairs and Secretariat. The wider group will be kept updated as and when appropriate.

Secretariat will be undertaken by the Gambling Commission. Representatives from other organisations will be invited to present at meetings as and when relevant to the agenda.